“There are times when Samantha knows for whom she is praying, although she usually does not know who is in need of prayer. She attended a Communal Penance Service. There was a reflection on the Scripture and a short homily and examination of conscience, followed by people going to Confession. In prayer for the people, she had an inner insight or vision. She saw Jesus walking among the folks who had gone to confession. Jesus gently touched each person on the head in a type of blessing then moved on to the next person, saying nothing. During this time Samantha felt intense pain in her hands, feet and side, which let her know that her prayer was an important part of making this blessing of the repentant sinners possible. “
- pg.18.
“Today I was especially aware of the offenses and sins against the Lord, all the irreverence and blasphemies against his name and his sacred heart. His love is still very present. I sensed his angels were sent to strengthen me. All day I seemed to be overwhelmed with feelings of embarrassment and shame at the response so many people give Jesus.”
- Pg.23.
“There is a depth of joy that I have never known before; a level of intimacy and love that sweeps me off my feet. When Jesus visits me, he reveals the Father to me. I hear the Fathers voice through Jesus. Jesus is the image of the Father. He speaks to me but I hear the Fathers voice through Jesus. They are one in each other with the Holy Spirit. When I am consumed by God, I experience all three persons of the most Holy Trinity making their presence known. It is the Holy Spirit who leads me into prayer by prompting and nudges.”
- Pg25.