Love is not Loved

Love is not Loved by Fr. Lester Knoll, Book Cover
"I read this book and found it to be well written and easy to read. The author does a good job in giving a overview of the Church's teaching on redemptive suffering, as well as the role of a stigmatist within the Church."

- Amazon customer review


More about the book

Meet the Author

Since Love is not Loved  was written by Fr. Lester Knoll, OFM Cap. in 2016, the messages for the Church and for the world have become ever more challenging.


Excerpts from the Book

Preview sections of the book which is available now from in both Kindle and paperback editions. Learn about the valuable messages given to Samantha.


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Samantha's Story

There is a woman living in the United States who became deeply aware of God’s love for her, as she was led to reflect over the Passion and death of Jesus.